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Музыка. Хор Валаамс. монастыря. Новый. Запечатанный

300 RUB


28 черв 2022 23:00 | 2 року назад

Диск. Chants from Valaam. Choir of the brethren of Valaam Monastery. Диск Новый. Запечатанный. На диске: selected hymns from the services and triodia; Hymns of the all-night vigil. In slavonic. Selected Hymns from the Services and Triodia: 1.Behold the Bridegroom comes at midnight - Midnight office (2:06); 2.Have mercy on us, O Lord - Midnight office and Compline (2:09); 3.All of creation rejoices in Thee - Hymn to the Theotokos, Liturgy of St. Basil (1:45); 4. Today the Virgin - Christmas Kontakion (1:32); 5. Open to me the doors- Sunday matins post-gospel hymn (Lenten) (4:07); 6. Let my prayer arise - Great Prokeimenon, Presanctified Liturgy (5:55); 7. Remain with us, O Lord of Hosts - Great Compline (Lenten) (6:52); 8. O Thou who coverest Thyself with Light - Apostikha, Holy Friday (6:03); 9. The angel cried - Paschal Matins, 9th Ode (1:38); 10. Christ is Risen - Paschal Troparion (Greek-Byzantine Chant) (2:07). Hymns of the All-Night Vigil: 1. Bless the Lord (Psalm 103/104) (5:06); 2. Blessed is the Man (Psalms 1,2,3) (2:56); 3. Stikheron to Ss. Sergius&Herman (1:17); 4. Dogmatikon (Tone 5)(2:23); 5. O Joyful Light (2:27); 6. Having beheld the Resurrection of Christ (1:37); 7. Eighth Katavasia (Tone 4) (0:55); 8. Magnificat (Irmos, Tone 3) (3:57); 9. Great Doxology (4:56); 10. Cherubic Hymn - Hymn during Great Entrance with gifts (5:30); 11. It is truly meet - Hymn to the Theotokos (1:15). Оплата наличными. М. Пр. Большевиков. Ул. Коллонтай. Г. Санкт-Петербург. Невский район. Отдаю лично в руки. Стоимость - 300 р. Вся информация - по звонку. Время звонка с 12:00 - 19:30.


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